
Finally I launched the new design for my blog as the last theme has been used for more than 8 months and I’ve got so fed up with it. If you’re a feed reader, please open my site with your favorite browser (except IE6 engine) to check out the new purple design.

The new design process lasts about 2 weeks, I spent the last two days in school with Photoshop, after came back home and installed the Archlinux, I was able to pick up the coding part with my favorite editor VIM. I find myself can barely do any coding things without VIM, just getting too used to it :P

My former designs for my blog are all multi-columns layout, so this time I decided to give a try on single-column style. And I deducted many plugins since I found the wordpress system was getting slower and slower. Even with my localhost server, the speed is really a pain in my ass, anyway, thank god that the wordpress developers eventually pay attention on the speed issue, now they’re working on it for the next release.

This design should works well with all modern browsers, except IE6, which is officially deprecated and abandoned by Microsoft, and there’s no point for me to waste much time on IE6’s debugging as this is just my personal blog.

There’s one part I havent touched on the new design, Javascript, I’m considering on the pros and cons of using jQuery framework. How much benefits it could bring if I choose to introduce the 40kb (compressed) js file into the new theme, definitely it should take some more important parts besides the animated effects.

Anyway, feel free to share your ideas and opinions on the new design. Enjoy it!

12 Reponses So Far ↓

  1. hermy:

    um…what to say…a lil shocked hey~ too flamboyant for u i guess

    and er…a butterfly on a shoe? man u r being feminine!

    well, in general its a pretty design, but i suggest u replace the “submit” bgcolor to a similar purple one instead of this light green

    what else…yay, this is y uve been disppearing for such a long time!

  2. 8:


  3. Tony:


  4. druggo:


  5. punkid:

    @ Hermy: 本人的原意其实是想画坨大便上去的,一想都20来岁的人了,要有点深度,遂换成了bufferfly,it denotes the consequence and the peace underneath the chaos … 哪知道你丫把它说明feminine的象征 … 看来还是大便比较适合我 o_o

    那submit button等过了年再改,还有很多地方要完善的

    @ 8: 这个”很XX很XXX”的例句合适才能销声匿迹啊… 我24/5返校吧,我没啥点子了,PX还有啥新鲜玩意儿不?

    @ Tony: 其实我还有准备另一套background图片的,我还嫌那套不够花,所以才换成了这个,此模板又名Vertigo … 叫你晕乎乎的 :D

    @ Druggo: 火车是不是挤死人了现在? 另外,现在用电信的线路进我的blog是不是非常的慢啊?

  6. hermy:

    “r u in touch with ur feminine side?”
    (a question note that Matt nicked out of Dom’s question bottle, ha)

    just spotted ur red ipod in the back of all the chaos…and the red Pdk logo? PunkiDprojeKt or what? a lil “out-standing” ha

    and yeah…DAMN slow!

  7. punkid:

    I’m intended to put my Mugello onto the background, but the point is not the geer itself, but the ‘Playing Now’ Radiohead’s Amnesiac. Guess what i was playing :D

    And I really have no idea what’s wrong with the connection on China Telecom’s side. Sometimes it loads fast, but most of time it is soooo slow.

    Anyway, you still have feed reader :P that would save much of your time

  8. hermy:

    cant figure out, life in a glasshouse?
    yeah, i can see the album cover, clever

  9. punkid:

    Life in a Glasshouse … you might be wrong :P

  10. druggo:


  11. Utom:


  12. punkid:


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