Wow, I've been constantly blogging for 10+ years! Even though it seems that I'm getting a bit lazy recently, Hmm ... must be the Writer's Block :) Anyway, here you can find every little piece of words, thoughts & shits I shared on this blog.

January 2025 ↓

  1. Switched to NeoVim + LazyVim

August 2024 ↓

  1. 用ChatGPT/Python实现陶博士的月线反转选股公式

May 2024 ↓

  1. 读「大变局:晚清改革五十年」

February 2024 ↓

  1. </2023><2024>

January 2016 ↓

  1. 2015年投资总结

December 2013 ↓


September 2013 ↓

  1. China Social Icons Webfont – Free Download

June 2013 ↓

  1. 入手HTC One

February 2013 ↓

  1. 为WordPress单页添加独立CSS/JS

  2. Goodbye, TWENTY TWELVE

July 2012 ↓

  1. Once Upon a Time in Beijing, Revisited

April 2012 ↓

  1. Once Upon a Time in Xiamen

March 2012 ↓

  1. 入手beats by dr.dre solo

January 2012 ↓

  1. Goodbye, TWENTY ELEVEN

April 2011 ↓

  1. 打造基于Ubuntu+XBMC的家庭媒体中心

July 2010 ↓

  1. 用Remuco实现手机遥控MPD播放

June 2010 ↓

  1. Trivia about Toy Story Trilogy

March 2010 ↓

  1. Google Buzz产品研究之CSS

  2. Going Mobile II

January 2010 ↓

  1. Keyboard Shortcuts for Nürburgring

  2. 如何整站迁移WP

  3. 正式落户org

  4. Ramblings

November 2009 ↓

  1. 利用symSMB手机访问局域网共享

  2. You Can Experience it Without Me

  3. Thinking About Job-Hoppin’

October 2009 ↓

  1. Mono is Coming

September 2009 ↓

  1. 入手Blackberry 8800

  2. Blackberry 8310 or 8800?

  3. A Snapshot of My Nomadic Life in One Day

August 2009 ↓

  1. 入职一周

  2. Going Mobile

  3. 呼唤M8, iPhone, HTC Android机友

  4. Going HTML5

July 2009 ↓

  1. Life Stream II

  2. Federer Won His 6th Wimbledon Slams

June 2009 ↓

  1. Nürburgring Launchs

  2. Life Stream

May 2009 ↓

  1. The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

April 2009 ↓

  1. 好玩的CSS3 Transitions属性

  2. 最近听的 III

  3. 改造WP-Syntax

March 2009 ↓

  1. aMule下载短信通知的飞信实现

  2. 给aMule增加下载完成短信通知功能

February 2009 ↓

  1. 入手E71

January 2009 ↓

  1. My First Brewed Mandailing

December 2008 ↓

  1. Conky Script: China Stock Market Chart

November 2008 ↓

  1. Why to Upgrade to Libgpod SVN Build

October 2008 ↓

  1. Backup Your Files Hierarchically to Dreamhost via Rsync

  2. Shoes Envy : PUMA Suede B-Boy

  3. 华文黑体无法在KDE4下正常渲染

September 2008 ↓

  1. Sleepless Night

  2. Job Wanted

August 2008 ↓

  1. Use gentoo-bashrc under Archlinux

  2. 在Archlinux下编译TuxOnIce内核

  3. Suddently, this summer

June 2008 ↓

  1. 五星级鉴赏推荐

  2. Viva la Vida

May 2008 ↓

  1. Linux下LaTeX中文处理

  2. Tips in Aggregate

  3. Why I Feel so Blue?

  4. 容疑者Xの献身

  5. Olympic Torch Relay in Our School II

  6. Olympic Torch Relay in Our School

April 2008 ↓

  1. 童年往事

March 2008 ↓

  1. 在Dreamhost主机上搭建Git

  2. Hedgehog at Black Iron

  3. 靠! 证

  4. Skool Life : Slice 12

February 2008 ↓

  1. 利用牛顿迭代法求平方根

  2. Friends 6

  3. Here Comes In Rainbows

  4. Rebooted

January 2008 ↓

  1. Schedular Exams

  2. Ultimate Guide to Manage Your iPod under Linux : Revised

December 2007 ↓

  1. Dive into Project Euler

  2. Linear Least Squares

  3. 大家都来学数学

  4. 3 Blogbus Themes Released

  5. VIM Tips

  6. China Telecom Get Hijacked ?

  7. Movie Time 3

November 2007 ↓

  1. Mr.Norton, My Mem Ram is Running Out

  2. The Maple

  3. New Site : Blogbus Hack

  4. R.I.P 苏老师

  5. Blogbus Hack 2 : 打造Tag Clouds效果

  6. Bourne, My Name is Jason Bourne

  7. Eleven vs. Eleven

  8. Why I <3 Gentoo and Its Community So Much

  9. 最近听的 II

  10. Blogbus Hack : 保存评论框信息 (更新GreaseMonkey脚本)

  11. PS教程 : 如何制作带卷曲效果的贴纸

  12. Upgrade to WP2.3

October 2007 ↓

  1. 2 Gadgets I Wanna Get By the End of this Year

  2. Dive into the Economics World

  3. V! Ferrari and Kimi !

  4. QQ签名秀 : 在你的blog里调用QQ签名

  5. Skool Life : Slice 11

  6. 决定启用jQuery

  7. New Wallet

  8. 让Feedburner的计数器重新显示

  9. Skool Life : Slice 1010

September 2007 ↓

  1. Gentoo 使用笔记 Part 6

  2. 电影专题 : 不可不信鬼

  3. 香港娱乐节目怪谈 : 不思议自由行之终极测试

  4. Movie Time 2

  5. Skool Life : Slice 9

  6. An Eye-Candy Desktop Brings Me Delightful Comp Experience

  7. Breaking News : McLaren Excluded From 07 Constructors’ Championship

  8. McLaren Fought Back at Ferrari Home

  9. Movie Time 1

  10. Skool Life : Slice 8

  11. China Telecom Fucked Up

August 2007 ↓

  1. Lets Go Hibernate on Sep

  2. 北京攻略 12 (完结篇)

  3. 北京攻略 11

  4. 北京攻略 10

  5. 北京攻略 9.12

  6. 电影专题 : 不Lの戀

  7. 北京攻略 9

  8. 北京攻略 8

  9. 北京攻略 7

  10. 北京攻略 6

  11. 北京攻略 5 (恶搞篇)

  12. 北京攻略 4

  13. 北京攻略 3

  14. Happy B-Day to Kaye

  15. 北京攻略 2

  16. 北京攻略 1

  17. Review: The Life of David Gale

July 2007 ↓

  1. Head to the North : Plan (Updated)

  2. The Best Geek Quote, Ever

  3. 自娱自乐

  4. A Dramatic Race in Nuerburgring

  5. The Art and Science of C 阅读笔记 II

  6. 厨房处女作

  7. The Art and Science of C 阅读笔记 I

  8. Movie Night With Transformers

  9. Kubuntu 7.04 使用初体验

  10. Gone With the Sin

  11. Before Sunrise & Sunset

  12. Kimi, Again

  13. The Revival of the Red Army

June 2007 ↓

  1. Skool Life : Slice 7

  2. Champagne for Hamilton’s Second Win

  3. 电影常用英语

  4. Hamilton Reaped His Maiden Victory in the Chaotic Canadian GP

  5. Hey Mama,I’m 20 Years Old Now!

May 2007 ↓

  1. 股市该降降温了

  2. Skool Life : Slice 6

  3. McLaren Dominated This Weekend In Monaco

  4. How to Learn Japanese?

  5. Gentoo 使用笔记 Part 5

  6. Skool Life : Slice 5

  7. This Weekend in Barcelona Doesnt Belong to Alonso

  8. Say Goodbye to Nu-Metal

  9. 最近看的

April 2007 ↓

  1. Skool Life : Slice 4

  2. Felipe Massa Took His 1st Win this Season

  3. 最近听的

  4. Gentoo 使用笔记 Part 4

  5. One-Two Wins for McLaren in Malaysian GP

  6. 全面解读 Fight Club (四)

  7. 全面解读 Fight Club (三)

  8. 全面解读 Fight Club (二)

  9. 全面解读 Fight Club (一)

  10. April 5th is NOT for See Ass Ass

March 2007 ↓

  1. To Live : Better Lead a Tough Life Than Die Young

  2. No Way, IE6!

  3. Skool Life : Slice 3

  4. China’s Next Revolution

  5. A Scene Behind the MV

  6. Got a bad cold

  7. Kimi Did the Hat Trick in Australian GP

  8. Bugs on Modern Browsers

  9. Skool Life : Slice 2

  10. Wordpress Theme: Lesbian L0ve

  11. Skool Life : Slice 1

  12. Quanta Plus : A Brief Review of an IDE under Linux

February 2007 ↓

  1. 浅谈实现网页交替背景颜色的几种方法

  2. ProjeKt D.K launchs